We are incredibly grateful for our dedicated Members. We invite you to join us in celebrating and acknowledging the outstanding REALTORS® and Business Partners who have reached significant Years of Membership milestones with GKAR. Their commitment and loyalty have greatly contributed to the strength and success of our Association.
2023 |
David Howard |
Woody King |
Carol Oudsema |
Mel Shorb |
William Zeigler |
2022 |
Wendy Conner |
Sue Cornell |
J. Thorne Angell |
George Wade |
Marty Wagar |
2021 |
John Buttery |
Robert Oudsema |
2019 |
Ken Bertollissi |
Earnie Best |
Willie Mae Pierson |
Tim Shank |
2024 |
Joanne Becker |
Jeffrey Bertolissi |
John Bolcato |
Scott Carlson |
Vicki Peck |
Al Rowe |
William Witek |
Ashley Yonker |
2023 |
Joel Francis |
Carol Oudsema |
2022 |
Drew Chapple |
Walter Hansen |
Ronald Henry |
Randy Hughey |
Daniel Martz |
2021 |
Jared Arnold |
Jim Douglass |
Robert Mulder |
Jack Poulsen |
Bev Wrubel |
2020 |
Becky Doorlag |

2024 |
Karen Foster |
Christina Danger |
Mark Kruizenga |
Kathleen Fosmoe |
Scott Kellogg |
Chuck Kinnane |
Amy Kraft |
Judy Maida |
Cheri Schulz |
Joyce Vos |
Matthew Weaver |
Jan Weir |
2023 |
Terrie Boven |
Judith Conway |
Mark DeLavern |
Claudia Evenboer |
Bob Graver |
Angela Jackson |
Barbara Johnson |
Suzanne Kloth |
Gary LaDuke |
Richard MacDonald |
Lorrie Nelson |
Kelli Scheffers |
Steve Snyder |
Julie Soudek |
Gregory Watts |
Joy Watts |
2022 |
Diane Bornhorst |
Kimberly Bowers-Dow |
Chuck Clancy |
Rick Crepas |
Lee Crossley |
Gregory DeHaan |
Jim Dimock |
Susan Gottlieb |
Christine Hadden |
Linda K. Hazelhoff |
Kevin Molda |
Bill Musselman |
Theresa Page |
Jane Pennings |
Ryan Rider |
Tim Scheu |
Jack Sharp |
Diana Smith |
David Visser |
Barbara Wagar Curley |
Terry Yax |
Julie Becker-Zabavski |
2021 |
Nancy Carr |
Barb Devries |
Lisa Faber |
Bill Farquhar |
Linda Fruin |
Sherry Iverson |
Theresa Kisinger-DeLavern |
Kirk Lindsay |
Twala Lockett-Jones |
Jorene Morrow |
Deb Nault |
Caroline Novak |
Kevin Philion |
2020 |
Belinda Angell |
Dennis Bronson |
Marcia Miller |
Kathy Peterson |
Carl Phalin |
Kim Rotz |
2019 |
David Cerven |
Tom Clancy |
Kathryn Decker |
Maria Diaz |
Ron Ekema |
Dan Leonard |
Sue Rome |
Tami Slocum |
2018 |
Denise Atwood |
Jill Kingsbury |
Jennie Kranick |
Gary Slagter |
2017 |
Brad Boone |
Mike Fleckenstein |
John Martinen |
Peggy Napier |
JoAnne Potts |
Barbara Strong |
Jim Zerbi |
Rick Zuiderveen |
2016 |
Dan Jaqua |
Mark Vickery |
2015 |
Roxy Cantu |
Jennifer Dunlap |
Jack Gesmundo |
Bonnie Granado |
Jim Hess |
Mike Kemerling |
Jeff Lee |
Neil Meadmore |
Nancy Whitney |
2014 |
Jill Bertolissi-Everitt |
Mark Boven |
James Braham |
Catherine Gasper |
Tracy Hageman |
Tom Kocher |
Dana Slocum |
Dawn Spencer |
Carle Watts |
2013 |
Randall Baas |
Barbara Carpenter |
Mark Doorlag |
Karen Gustafson |
Peg Kolaja |
2012 |
Bill Evenboer |
David Maturen |
Keith Reed |
David Veenstra |
2011 |
Mary Sutton |
2010 |
Mary Botsis |
Debbie Giddings |
Paul Hammond |
Rick Hoffman |
Suzanne McPeek |
Pat O'Brien |
2009 |
Jeff Bertolissi |
John Bolcato |
Scott Carlson |
Vicki Peck |
Al Rowe |
Bill Witek |
Ashley Yonker |
2008 |
Jim Cavanaugh |
Joel Francis |
2007 |
Drew Chapple |
Randy Hughey |

American Home Inspections Inc. |
Chicago Title of Michigan |
Classic Mortgage Corporation |
Devon Title Company |
Fifth Third Bank |
Great Lakes Waterproofing Co. |
North Shore Pest Control |
Pro-Tek Inspections |

Advantage Companies Home Inspection |
American Home Shield |
Attorneys Title Agency |
Gordon Water Systems |
Great Lakes Home Inspections |
Holland Home Inspections |
Mercantile Bank |
Secure Start Inspections Inc. |
The BrickKicker |

1st Choice Inspection Service |
Arienne Associates |
Consumers Credit Union |
Enviroappraisal |
GreenStone Farm Credit Services |
Kellogg Community Credit Union |
Lake Michigan Credit Union |
Lake Pacor Home Mortgage |
Nations Title Agency of Michigan |
Pabco Services, LLC |
Seber Tans, PLC |
Summit Home Mortgage |
Watts Construction Company |
Willis Law |

Advia Credit Union |
Arbor Financial Credit Union |
Exact Pest Control Solutions, LLC |
Full Service Promotional |
Horizon Bank |
Kalamazoo Mortgage |
Kalsee Credit Union |
Metro Advantage Title Agency |
Michigan Better Environmental |
Old National Bank |
PrimeLending, A PlainsCapital Company |
United Bay Community Credit Union |
Aardvark Home Inspectors, Inc |
Advance Building Inspections |
Allen Edwin Homes |
Herbert Machnik Law Firm |
Homestead Inspectors, LLC |
Honor Credit Union |
Independent Bank |
John Meyers Home Inspections |
Kalamazoo Excavation & Septic |
Nederveld Engineering & Surveying |
Next Door Photos |
Pest Pros of Michigan, LLC |
Ron Jackson Insurance Agency |
Ruoff Mortgage |
Sheridan Home Inspections |
Southern Michigan Bank & Trust |
Sun Title Agency of Michigan, LLC |
Timberland Home Inspections LLC |
True Home Inspection |